Nuit Blanche is one of my favourite times of the year. A night when the city is at its most dynamic and sparkling with life.

Montrealers know that the best way to enjoy Nuit Blanche is to leave your car at home. The metro was packed with partygoers. Here, a rarely seen view of the inside of the tunnel at Berri-Uqam direction Honoré-Beaugrand.

We started off at the Olympic park where I took a turn on the giant snow slide. Yup, that blur in the picture is me!

The crowd gathered round to watch the tuxedoed penguins running around free at the Biodome.

Then out came the fearsome birds of prey. As the owl stared straight into my eyes, I felt it could see into the very depths of my soul. Brrr.

After that, it was off to the Quartier des Spectacles to watch my fellow Montrealers enjoying the Air France Ferris wheel and the Urban Slide to the soundtrack of DJs performing at 24 HOURS OF VINYL, providing cool beats for a hot crowd.

We ended the night at the Society for Arts and Technology where patrons in bean bag chairs played old video games projected onto walls and the 8 bits/chiptune got me dancing. A perfect end to Nuit Blanche 2013.

All pictures by Jim Royal.